Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hitchhikers, Hospitals, and Happy Birthdays 03/17/16

Happy St. Patrick´s Day!  Not a thing here.  But my companion and I celebrated. haha.  

Iguana meat takes like chicken.

Some gang members confused our investigators (Emelina and Evelyn) for different people that they were after, so they had to move away because it wasn´t safe for them to stick around.  So that was kind of sad.  Even though they don´t live in our area, they still want to come to church.  We´ll see what happens.  

The other day we were driving home and these children were jumping on the backs of cars to hitch a ride.  We were watching them and surprised at how they could sit so precariously on the back of a sedan.  We didn´t even realize that two other kids jumped into the back of our truck!  We stopped and made them get out and they seemed mad because I think we drove them further than they wanted to go.  Don´t jump onto moving cars!

Elder Johnson´s birthday was on the 11th and Gustavo (our investigator) and his family invited us over to their house a few days earlier to celebrate.  We were able to have a short lesson, but then had cake! whoo.  I share the same birthday as their little son so they told us we would have to come over and celebrate again! haha  Then on his actual birthday, we got doughnuts and ate them in the office.  On Saturday, elder Johnson and took the bus to the Mayoreo.  Basically this big place where they sell basically anything and we bought stuff.  

Saturday was kind of really scary.  We had a different Elder De la Rosa staying with us that day because he was sick.  He had gone to the hospital a few days earlier, but was released.  I walk downstairs and see the other elders preforming CPR on him because he had stopped breathing!  He had some weird condition that caused his chest muscles to contract and then he couldn´t breath.  The other elders jump into the truck and take him to the hospital again.  Elder Johnson and I stayed because we had a baptismal service to go to.  Elder Bingham was driving them and they hit a bunch of traffic. There were two policemen on a motorcycle on the side of the road and Elder Bingham rolls down the window and tells them to help them get to the hospital.  The policemen jump on the motorcycle and turn on their sirens and clear the way for Elder Bingham to drive through all the traffic.  They ended up getting there really fast.  The ambulance probably would have taken 30 minutes to get to our house, and then would have had to go through all that traffic.  So that was kind of crazy.

While all of that was going on, Elder Johnson and I went to the church for the baptism of Jose David!  The service ended up being really great.  The second counselor in the young mens presidency was able to give a little sign language message to Jose David.  He said that he has a cousin that is deaf/mute so he learned a little when he was a kid.  The bishopric is so awesome and made a goal as a ward to start learning sign language so they could better communicate with Jose David.  We had so much help from our young mens president with teaching Jose David.  He was so happy to get baptized and is going to be an incredible member of the church!

So this week was a little nuts, but it was great!

Have a wonderful week!

- Elder Burnham

go check out the Easter campaign from the church!  there are some great videos!

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